Please go to the Latinum Website, at
required ground for Caesar for AP. The audio materials make it easy for a student
to revise the text over and over again - it is easier to listen to a
text multiple times, than to re-read it multiple times in the book.
The Latin-English-Latin literal translations make dictionary work
unnecessary, as the student first approaches the text with the literal
translation, before studying it intensively in Latin only, until it is
AP Caesar requirements are:
Caesar, Gallic War
Book 1: Chapters 1-7
Book 4: Chapters 24-35 and the first sentence of Chapter 36
(Eodem die legati . . . venerunt.)
Book 5: Chapters 24-48
Book 6: Chapters 13-20
1. John Taylor's 'Caesar for Beginners'. (Book I, The Helvetic War).
2. Caesar - 'The British War ; Customs of the Gauls' - Caesar's Bello Gallico
Book 4, chapters 20 -38,
Book 5, Chapters 8 - 23,
Book 6, Chapters 12-19.
The reading is Latin-English-Latin, and repeated again in Latin only.
3. Lowe, Butler and Walker's
' Introduction to Caesar' A grammar book based around Book 1 of De
Bello Gallico, including the vocabulary learning files for Book 1, and
a reading of Book 1 in Latin.
4. Cannon's 'An Open Door to Caesar' - in Latin only - De Bello
Gallico Book 1, in simplified Latin,followed by the chapter in the
original form.
5. Sonnenschein's 'Ora Maritima' is a childrens story in Latin based
around themes in Caesar covered in the AP syllabus - can provide some
light relief.