Saturday, 6 February 2016

Lexicon Januale Comenii

A couple of scans of Comenius' useful Lexicon Januale have now appeared online, at Europeana.

The Lexicon Januale is a student level dictionary, that gives the roots of words. Unusually, Comenius designed it so that the student has to write the entire dictionary out by hand, to form full entries for each word. This was a deliberate tactic.

Here is the Lexicon Januale: one of the only student level Latin-Latin dictionaries ever to be published.

Latin Playlists from the Latinum Videocast

Latin Playlists from Molendinarius:

1. Colloquia Latina - Scripted Latin Conversations 

5. Virgil's Eclogues with Latin paraphrase, translation and notes

6.  Attic Greek - a few introductory lessons using the restored classical Attic pronunciation scheme.

7.  Easy Latin Readings for Students

14. The London Latin Course (English and Latin)

20. Material Medica with interlinear translation - vocabulary building Latin Scientific Vocabulary

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Dictionaries that are Latino-Latinum

There are a few Latino-Latinum dictionaries around, but few 'pocket' ones.

Formulae latinarum locutionum illustriorum. Stephano Doleto Gallo Aurelio has a selection of definitions and phrases.

There are a few other useful dictionaries and lexica - though most are for 'walled gardens' of vocabulary for specific subject areas or a particular corpus of work. Apart from the ones mentioned already, (apologies if some of these have already been noted) I can think of:-

Gradus ad Parnassum - not strictly a dictionary, but it gives synonyms and antonyms, so often enough detail to work out what a word means, assuming you already have a baseline vocabulary.

Hortulus Puerorum

 Lexicon Ciceronianum

Lexicon Technologiae Latinorum Rhetoricae

Perfectissimus Calepinus Parvus

Calepinus - Latinae atque adeo etiam Graecae Linguae Dictionarium

Glossarium Eroticum Linguae Latinae

 Thesaurus Eroticus Linguae Latinae

Robert Étienne's Thesaurus
- Gesner's Novus Thesaurus 

- Forcellini's Totius Latinitatis Lexicon
- Wagner's Lexicon Latinum