Friday, 26 March 2010

Latin Language Audio Recordings and Courses

I've been continuing my work producing Latin recordings - which are available here .

The latest DVD is a recording of D'Ooge's edition of URBIS ROMAE VIRI INLUSTRES.

Each DVD contains the files in mp3 format, so they can easily be imported to an mp3 player or ipod, or played directly on the computer.

I am currently recording Eutropius' 'Breviarium', which will be my first 'authentic' Latin audiobook, to be followed by Nepos, Curtius, and the text that is known as 'Cato', and then moving on to other Roman authors.

Adler, by first production, merits a re-record - however, the complete audio course, despite its flaws  does an good job of introducing the student to Latin.  There is no other course like it currently on the market. As Adler took me 2 years to produce,  the re-recording will not come in the forseeable future. 

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


LATINUM: Molendinarius (Evan Millner) ha construido Latinum como un curso de audio, basados directamente en los métodos de prueba utilizados en el renacimiento del idioma.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Latin Language Chatroom


Foedus Latinum uses Houseparty for its active audio visual chatroom. Basic sign-in needs no Latin.  You are warmly invited to join Convivium Latinum. You will need to ad some Latin speaking freinds to get started, if you don't yet have any; you can find a list of Convivium Latinum users here.

"Convivium" (id est, Houseparty) facultatem octo confabulari viva voce simul dat. Possis videre quis homo domi esse (id est, quis in linea sit) , et eum eamve salvere jubere. Rogare: "Bona vena me audies?" ; (veniam in conclavi  inire petendum'st). Licentia concessa,  te jungere et in conclavi includere licet, confabulari causa.


There is also a Locutorium Latinum texting chatroom (hosted on Skype) to write to others in Latin, which currently has 250 members

Si per SKYPEN (Skype) confabulari vis, habemus LOCUTORIUM LATINUM apud Skype, et possis illic confabulari per litteras, picturas etc ad alios emittere.
Junge Te!
Ecce vinculum ad gregem: