Sunday, 25 May 2008


Latinum now hosts a selection of stories in simple Latin, for easy listening.
These are in Latin only, and are presented in Restored Classical Pronunciation.

The stories cover a range of topics - some are summaries of Bible stories, some are from myths, and a number are from period of Roman or American and European history.


Friday, 23 May 2008

si es en serio esto de aprender latín

si es en serio esto de aprender latín, lo MEJOR que he encontrado hasta hoy en internet es
La instrucción es en inglés. No creo que sufras mucho por eso. Y es gratuito. es el único podcast que conozco para aprender latín.

aulas em áudio

legal... aulas em áudio... tem material pra caramba ai..

aqui tem um curso de latim 100% em mp3

aqui tem um curso de latim 100% em mp3 (em inglês):

mesmo q vc não saiba inglês vc pode usar para ouvir a pronuncia do latim. lá vc também encontra trechos de obras clássicas lidas com a pronúncia histórica reconstruída.

Katulovi podcasti (zvuk Katula na latinskom, s engleskim naglaskom):

Katulovi podcasti (zvuk Katula na latinskom, s engleskim naglaskom):

"Pentru învăţarea lb. latine"

Sunt postate deja pe forum la "Discutii libere" ("Limba latină şi alte limbi pentru începători (f. interesant)"), dar se pare ca nu ai cautat peste tot.

Si la "Limba latina" gasesti postate "Pentru învăţarea lb. latine"

si "Latina pentru copii"


Obstaja, a ne v slovenskem jeziku. Tole je link strani, ki se meni osebno zdi zelo zanimiva, vendar še zdaleč ne tako dobra kot Vaša. Če želite preveriti to stran sledite linku: Preverite stran in povejte kakšna se Vam zdi. Lep pozdrav,

Aprendizaje auditivo del latín.

latinum websnapr

// Aprendizaje auditivo del latín. English.

Latinum Podcast

Tagħrif dwar riżorsi oħra

Latinum Podcast

Tagħrif dwar ir-riżorsi
L-awtur jew kreatur: Millner, Evan
Il-Lingwa li qed tiġi mgħallma: Latin, il-
L-ilsien tas-sors: Ingliż, l-
Lista ta' kliem ewlieni: Materjal pedagoġiku, Korsijiet

This free online Latin course promotes learning Latin through speaking and listening. Users can download free lessons to their MP3 player.

Tagħrif dwar riżorsi oħra
Livell ta’ profiċjenza: Livell Bażiku, Livell Nofsani, Livell Avvanzat
Ħiliet u kompetenzi: Smigħ, Taħdit
Settur: Edukazzjoni sekondarja, Edukazzjoni post-sekondarja, Edukazzjoni terzjarja, Edukazzjoni għall-adulti

Il-pajjiż minn fejn oriġina s-sors: Renju Unit, ir-
Drittijiet għall-użu: Semmi 'l min jipprovdi r-riżors
Ħtiġijiet tekniċi: Brawżer standard Plejer tal-Kasetts/CDs Plejer tal-Vidjos
Id-data meta żdied: 2008-05-19
Il-metadata ġiet aġġornata l-aħħar: 2008-05-19

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Latinum Podcast Comments.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for uploading these podcasts! I have some knowledge (go to Mass in Latin) and this is an excellent help for me. I listen to them while doing my routine 'paper clean up' at the office. Thanks again!

7:58 AM
Millner said...

Pleased you're enjoying them.

8:02 AM
Anonymous said...

Loving this podcast. You've really done something fantastic here. Brilliant of you to grasp the potential of podcast technology for use with studying classical languages. This has become one of my absolute favorite podcasts!

8:15 PM
Anonymous said...

From Joseph. What an excellent idea but at the age of 83 re-studying Latin which was one of my Matric subjects I find it is spoken much too quickly and I can't remember it ever spoken at this speed. Best wishes.

11:08 AM
KalyeSpeak said...

Good job. The world needs to revive this language. :)

7:27 AM
Millner said...

Hello Joseph,
I would suggest you start with the first Adler lessons, to revise your Latin. The speed here is slow. In the Adler lessons, there is a lot of repitition.
My speed is actually quite slow, especially as I draw out the long vowels, although in the more recent lessons, my speed is more or less conversational. You would not have been exposed to Latin as a conversational language in your South African matric exams, and there was little or no emphasis on the spoken language. If you give these lessons a little of your time, you ear will rapidly attune to the Latin.

10:02 AM
Millner said...

Hello Sasha
I'm pleased you're enjoying Latinum. I have been pleasantly surprised myself at the success of my podcast. When I first set eyes on Alder's book, I knew I had stumbled across a veritable treasure trove. The question was, how to translate it into online lessons. The format that has evolved appears to be successful. Latinum is already being used by thousands of people all over the world, at all stages of learning Latin. The youngest user I know of started listening to the podcasts before she was even born - she lives in Vietnam, and her parents want her to learn Latin from infancy.
I think Latinum's main appeal is its practical focus - that Latin is being learned in order to be able to use it - read it as well, to be true, but to get a real gut feel for it as a working language. One can imagine oneself on the streets of Pompei, ordering food in a shop, buying a new toga, a family argument....the texture of the language of the day to day exigencies of Roman life that one does not get a feel for from reading the great Roman texts (barring the odd play or remnant of a novel) that have come down to us. I am still only one third of the way though Adler's tome - it is huge, by modern textbook standards. I thought it would take me a year to complete, but at current rates of progress, it may be longer. This should be about right, anyway, as it takes about 3 years of steady work for most people to acquire a language.
Once your Latin language skills are up to trying to string a few words together, be sure to join Schola.

10:17 AM